Thursday, May 31, 2012

New Beginnings

This blog has been created in an attempt to keep my little mind active. I have recently graduated from my Master’s in Library and Information Science[1] and am in that lull period between school and finding a real job. This has put my brain into a state of disconcerting lethargy. So in order to try and remedy this situation I have decided to do something I haven’t got a chance to do for a very long time, read for pleasure!

However, because in the last few weeks it has become clear that reading for pleasure is not enough since I have, apparently, become so institutionalized by the academic world that it is not sufficient to simply read books but I must also write about the books I’ve read. So I figured if that’s where my impulses lead me then why not, I have the time (between applying to jobs of course).

So that is what this blog is essentially going to be about, me reading books then giving reviews on them, I might throw in the odd hastily written university essay as well because I think its good and takes up space but you don’t have to read those. In fact I’d be surprised if anyone read this. It’s really more for me then for you. But if you are reading it I do hope you enjoy the blog and please feel free to leave a comment, or not, it’s really up to you.

[1]Technically, because I graduated from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information I have a MI or “Master of Information”, which, basically, is the exactly the same thing as a Master of Library and Information Science or MLIS (really its all just about branding these days), but if you say “Master of Information” no one has any idea what your talking about so it just makes more sense to say you have a MLIS.

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